TIL: Using tailored messaging for Reddit ads really works.

To a non-user, Reddit may look like a scary but intriguing platform to navigate. There’s so many niche subreddits and communities, each with their own lingo and abbreviations. So how do you, as a brand, cut through the chatter? Here to talk you through Reddit is Account Executive, Beth.
Let’s dive right in: Redditors have subreddits which they are highly dedicated to and frequent on the daily and they’re also notoriously known to be mostly anti-marketing in comparison with other social media platforms. So how do you know where to start?
- Research your audience.
There are 1000s of active communities on Reddit you can target – from parenting to sports to more regional specific threads (find the top and largest communities here). Once you know your audience, think how you’re going to use Reddit to benefit your brand and foster genuine relationships. Identify what your audience’s interests are and where they hang out on the platform. For example, if you’re a baby clothes brand, you’re obviously going to want to target parenting communities, but are there other interests or groups where your audience also live?
Then, there are two key questions you need to ask yourself: do they use Reddit everyday or do they occasionally use Reddit when specifically looking for advice? This should inform your content planning (think volume, frequency and messaging). Speaking of messaging….
2. Get creative with copy.
AITA for trying to sell you a product whilst you’re happily scrolling? Possibly. But getting creative with your messaging so it sits natively within the subreddit rather than explicitly looking like an ad can help improve conversion rates. Our top tips: Have multiple variations and don’t be afraid to be testing different things and have some of them not work. Be sure to highlight your CTA clearly and early so your audience knows what you’re offering or what you’d like them to do.
Here’s some real time experience: for our longtime partner, Klarna, we created a series of Reddit ads using messaging tailored to specific subreddit threads. From r/Relationships to r/TodayILearned we definitely learned that using language and format native to Reddit communities and subreddits really works. We tailored the creative messaging to the formats of the subreddits as shown below and found that not only did our subreddit-specific creative serve the majority of impressions in the campaign, they also had higher click-through rates and cheaper costs compared to run-of-site generic ads!
TLDR: Tailor your messaging to specific niches and communities.
Interested in capturing the attention of a new audience? Get in touch at hello@puzzlelondon.com – let’s talk Reddit.
TIL: Today I Learned
AITA: Am I The Asshole
TLDR: Too Long Didn’t Read