5 reasons you need a chatbot strategy
For a bit of context, it’s estimated that Facebook Messenger is now embedded on more than 1.2 billion devices and WeChat facilitated more than 1 billion conversations in December 2017. Both platforms are leading the consumer adoption of chatbots.
It’s thought that 57% of UK consumers know what a chatbot is. Therefore it’s safe to assume that we’re at the start of the chatbot revolution and they are here to stay and according to a study in The Economist, “75% of more than 200 business executives surveyed said AI will be actively implemented in their companies within the next three years,” so it seems only a matter of how and when not if.
We are taking a quick look at why you need to be considering a chatbot as part of your marketing mix in 2018 from what we have learned working with Brands and Charities in the U.K. implementing technologies like IBM Watson, Alexa Skills & Amazon Lex.
Call Deflection
We all know that the cost of customer service centres run into the millions for many brands, however, a chatbot strategy allows you to direct the most commonly asked questions to your chatbot. With integrations into the likes of Zendesk and Salesforce, we can help build valuable customer records.
24/7 365 Days a year
Unlike a human, AI never sleeps. With the positioning of a chatbot strategy across your business sitting across all your social and e-commerce channels, you’ll no longer be restricted by office hours. We’re currently living in an age where customers want immediate responses, no matter where or when and chatbots give you the ability to handle multiple conversations at any point in time.
A new revenue channel
As well as providing you with new customer service channels, a well-executed and progressive Chatbot strategy will arm you with a new sales channel. As technology grows, the ability to dynamically generate product recommendations grows daily. Some of the best examples of chatbots in the last 6 months have been from retailers and restaurants who are helping customers broaden their choices by focusing on the discovery of new products.
Re-engage with your Facebook community
Zuckerberg has been very vocal about his belief that chatbots are the future of marketing and he’s voiced that he wants to turn Messenger into a commercially viable product in ways that mirror the success of WeChat in China.
By offering a chatbot to your Facebook audience you’re more likely to be able to take advantage of the new tools and skills that Facebook brings to the market in the coming months.
Better Quality Interactions
It’s delightfully easy for brands to spend time and money on developing content, but more often than not that simply doesn’t cut through or hit the engagement figures that they want, and more importantly, the figures the bosses want.
Via a chatbot, you own and design the conversation. We are able to understand what your customers are trying to achieve and we can craft a conversation that satisfies their needs. Beyond that, through a joined-up paid social approach we can design future messaging that delivers true personalisation.
Finally, attribution is key to demonstrating ROI and by being able to measure all manner of interactions we are able to present back, in real-time how many calls have been deflected, clicks to the website and final checkout activity.
If you want to know how chatbots work and find out more about Puzzle. Have a chat now with one of our experts here